www.abc-guitar.narod.ru The
encyclopedia of the guitar players by Sergej Tavrovskij Энциклопедия гитаристов
Сергея Тавровского
http://www.modran.wb.pl MODRAN
Concert Agency
http://www.worldguitarist.com The American site of major world guitar events Американский сайт важнейших мировых гитарных событий
http://www.illarionov.com/ Site by Dmitry Illarionov Сайт Дмитрия Илларионова.
www.novamusica.it Magazine"CHITARRE" General Manager M Roberto Fabbri
Amadeus Guitar Duo
Dale Kavanagh & Thomas Kirchhoff
www.gaf.co.yu Guitar Art Festival (Belgrad) Direktor Bosko Radojkovic
Jim Skinger guitar plyar.
http://www.pierrebeaudry.com/ Canadian
guitarist Pierre Beaudry performs in Europe, Asia and Canada. His extensive
concert career takes him to France, Switzerland, Poland, China and South East
Asia where his solo performances are acclaimed both by the public and the press.
The critics have rewarded him for his interpretations of Baroque, Modern and
Avant-garde music.
http://www.parkov.narod.ru Studio
of recording " La bella classic " Студия звукозаписи "La
bella classic"
http://www.guitar-ksp.narod.ru V. Klimovich. Guitar in the author songs. Вячеслав Климович. Гитара в авторской песне. От "трех блатных" аккордов до джазового аккомпанемента. Школа игры на примерах".
Каталог ресурсов IvLIM.Ru: Искусство и культура: Музыка