Ihar Shoshyn there is a producer of the printed editions and audio recordings



Dmitriy Illarionov (The winner of the competition GFA 2002) plays "Fantasy after rain" by Ihar Shoshyn.
- 1,83 MB, ìð3


Sergey Urupin plays
"The Evening in Guta" by I.Shoshyn.
- 1,34, ìð3



Irina Puhalskaja and Ihar Shoshyn plays

"Song about Gomel" by I.Shoshyn - 383 ÊB, ìð3

"Kaprisious girl" by I.Shoshyn - 498 ÊB, ìð3



The magazine " Belarus guitar " - includes the musical notes and texts about guitar life Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Poland and other countries.



The almanac " Guitar renaissance " - includes the musical notes and texts about an International festival " Guitar renaissance ". Gomel. Belarus.


"Romantic guitar" - original musical notes Ihar Shoshyn and arrangements of music.The polyphony fantasies on the "Beatles" , B.Joel, M. Masser - G. Benson for a guitar



"Reversev perception of guitar" - original musical notes Ihar Shoshyn and arrangements of music "Beatles" and M. Masser - G. Benson for a guitar.


"Music for guitar" - original musical notes Uros Dojcinovic (Serbia) and Ihar Shoshyn (Belarus)


Recording by International festival " Guitar renaissance ". Gomel. Belarus.
Music by Ihar Shoshyn. Play D. Illarionov, Jan Skryhan, N. Lipnizkaya, S. Urupin...



If you have interested of the printed editions and recordings write to the address
